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Well well well
It's been awhile seen I posted anything but this the final build of this concept. It is a solid prototype with potential to improve. However the mechanics, syst...
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Break was nice
Some updates in the works at the moment hoping to have a new trailer and music and stuff like that by this upcoming Friday night . Took thanksgiving off which...
Here it is
Well I said I was going to upload the current build and so here it is. All UI has full controller support, 4-player splitscreen is now possible, and there will...
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To show or not to show
I'm kind of at a point where it is playable, but I'm not happy with it just yet and want to wait before putting a new build up. There are still a few things tha...
Crunching It
So was super productive in a mad dash-meet -the-dead-line kind of way. Had to cast aside pride and bit the bullet in reverting back to an older save in order to...
Last week was a game jam at EKU so sorry for no posts. Pretty much have been designing better flow from the start menu to the actual game. It has been pretty bu...
Worked on some title screen art. It took forever to find good font and free vector art programs, but I find one. I'm using Gravit Designer. It's like a limited...
Stuff happens
Well stuff happens, I apologize for the late post. There were some stuff that had to be taken care of in the personal life, aka school. I had a hard time findin...

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